

Grow Native! Webinar: Build Your Own Bird Sanctuary with Mitch Leachman

This event has ended
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021
to (Eastern Time)

This is a free webinar sponsored by Grow Native!, the marketing arm of the Missouri Prairie Foundation.

Missouri is on Central Time; the times listed here are Eastern.

This seminar will discuss how songbirds and hummingbirds can be attracted to landscapes through the use of native plants that furnish insects, seeds, flowers, and fruits for birds. Specific examples of the most versatile and adaptable native woody and herbaceous plants will be included as well as simple gardening practices essential for birds. The session will close with a brief review of resources you can enlist to help on your journey.

The webinar, to be held via Zoom, will be 45 minutes including a question and answer session. The webinar will be recorded, and sent to all registrants as well as posted to our YouTube channel.

Cost: Free

Mitch Leachman is the Director of Programs for the St. Louis Audubon Society and coordinator of the Bring Conservation Home program. He has been gardening with native plants for 15 years and enjoys every one of the critters supported by his current inventory of over 80 species of native plants. Mitch has been active with the Audubon network for over 25 years and on staff with St. Louis Audubon since 2008, He plans and coordinates many chapter activities, including Bring Conservation Home, community stewardship projects, communications and outreach.

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