Wild Ones Keweenaw Chapter

“What’s the Rush?” showing in March

WOK is partnering with KISMA and Michigan Tech’s Center for Science and Environmental Outreach to host a showing of Doug Tallamy’s new video, “What’s the Rush?,” at 6 p.m., Friday, March 14, in Forestry G002 at Michigan Tech.

Tallamy, a professor at the University of Delaware and author of several books on native plants, including “Bringing Nature Home” and “Nature’s Best Hope,” is a leading voice in the native landscaping movement. Learn more here.

Native Plant Symposium to feature Kim Eierman of Ecobeneficial

Nationally known horticulturalist and native landscape designer Kim Eierman is the featured speaker for the eighth annual Keweenaw Native Plant Symposium, set for 9 a.m.-noon, Saturday, April 12, on Zoom.

Eierman’s talk, “Selling Native Plants with Cues to Care,” focuses on ways gardeners can assure their communities that their native plantings are tended spaces.

Other speakers are Michelle Wietek Stephens of U.P. Native Plants and Kass Urban-Mead of the Xerces Society for Invertebrates. Learn more and register here.

Welcome to the Wild Ones Keweenaw Chapter

We are on a journey to

  • educate ourselves and others about the special attributes of native plants and how to incorporate them into our gardens and civic landscapes;
  • create habitat that nurtures wildlife, including bees, butterflies, and birds; and
  • develop resilient landscapes that absorb runoff, protecting water quality and infrastructure.

Regular meetings are held at 6 p.m., the third Tuesday of the month, often on Zoom, sometimes in person.

Want to grow native but don’t know where to begin?

Check out our Resources section. Or visit Wild Ones’ Native Garden Design website, featuring a several downloadable native garden plans created by professional landscape designers. The plans are free, printable, and come with plant lists.

We hope these resources inspire, encourage and motivate you in your native garden journey!