Plant Pilgrimage to Bay College

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by Marcia Goodrich, WOK president

Jill Fisher and her husband, Casey Huckins, caravanned with me to Escanaba April 25 to pick up about 20 trays of seedlings from our benefactor Brian Black, master of the Bay College greenhouse. Many will be potted for our summer sales. The rest will go to the Keweenaw Land Trust to restore native plantings on its properties.

Jill and Casey on their way home to the Keweenaw with a load of native plants

The trays are thick with baby plants: black-eyed Susan, butterfly weed,  lanceleaf coreopsis, green-headed coneflower, grey-headed coneflower, false sunflower, sweet Joe Pye weed, medicine hat coneflower (not from around here), common milkweed, red milkweed, New England aster, pearly everlasting, dense blazingstar, prairie blazingstar, dogtooth daisy, spotted bee balm, blue vervain, woodland sunflower, cupplant, purple coneflower, and pale purple coneflower.

These hot-house seedlings now find themselves exiled to the frozen gulag, where temps have dropped into the low 20s the last couple of nights. I left my trays in the car, which seems to keep them sufficiently protected, at least while in the garage.

As the weather warms, WOK will get together for a few transplanting bees, so we can get these cheery little guys into pots for the sales.

Marcia Goodrich and Brian Black loading seedlings into Marcia’s Honda Fit