Get free advice (and maybe $) to make your land management dreams come true

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Anne Collins addresses about 30 community members on how NRCS programs can help solve their land management problems.

Want to create a meadow, or set up a greenhouse, or grow habitat for the golden-winged warbler? Or maybe you’d like help developing a management plan for a woodlot or getting rid of spotted knapweed? Improve pasture or mitigate erosion? At a WOK-sponsored talk on Nov. 1, Anne Collins, district conservationist with the Natural Resource Conservation Service, reviewed how NRCS programs can help landowners realize their dreams though advice and grant funding.

Here’s a list of the major programs with links to more information. To learn more and see if you qualify to apply for funding, contact the NRCS office in Baraga at 906-353-8225.

NRCS Financial Assistance Programs

Conservation Technical Assistance—Free technical advice for many types of projects; does not provide funding. A caveat: You can’t get help to grow marijuana, convert forest or grassland to crops, or fill wetlands.