A walk on the rocky side

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Botanist Alex Graeff led Keweenaw Wild Ones and friends on a fascinating botanical journey July 20 in Hunter’s Point Park, near Copper Harbor. We began with a trip back a billion years or so, when North America was taking a stab at ripping in two. Instead of lava flows, the Mid-Continent Rift is now characterized by massive basalt formations, including those in this volcanic bedrock lakeshore habitat.

We tramped over cobblestone beaches, clambered over rocks, and followed Alex along winding paths through the woods. Most trees and plants here are small—or at least smaller than they would be growing inland, where the soil and weather are less demanding. Alex has a special place in his heart for rare grasses and sedges, but he also humored the flower-lovers among us by pointing out pipsissewa, fireweed, harebells, and more. Here are a few photos from the walk.