What’s Up with WOK, July 2024

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Shoreline protection proposal for Kestner Park

WOK member Craig Waddell has provided funding for a shoreline remediation plan addressing the section of Huron Creek near Wild Ones’ garden. Stephanie Graef of Eagle Shoreline Protection will draw up the plan.

Craig, a member of the Houghton City Council, said he planned to work with the city to identify grant funding to implement the plan. WOK president Marcia Goodrich said Keweenaw Wild Ones could help with plants and labor.

WOK at Strawberry Fest, Bridgefest, and farmers’ markets

Volunteers sold dozens of native plants and made lots of contacts at Strawberry Fest (pictured left), Bridgefest, and local farmers’ markets. However, some venues are busier than others. The WOK board is discussiing whether or not it’s worth the time and energy involved in attending venues where few people stop by to shop and/or chat. Volunteer hours are valuable, and we want to make sure our members’ time and energy is well spent.

Thanks to David Hunter for the photo.

Dump Your Barberry! Trade-up Days are Coming

Japanese barberry is a pernicious invasive shrub that takes over woodlands and shelters ticks that cause Lyme disease. And guess where it got it start? Right! In our yards! If you or someone you know has barberry, dig it up, bag it, and bring it to KISMA’s Barberry Trade-up Days. It’s the right thing to do, plus you’ll get $10 off a native shrub.

  • Houghton: Sat., Aug. 3, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Houghton HS Parking Lot
  • L’Anse: Thurs., Aug. 8, 4-7 p.m., L’Anse Department of Public Works
  • Eagle Harbor: Sat., Aug. 10, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Eagle Harbor Solid Waste Facility

WOK to lead native plant lesson at Keweenaw CAPE

WOK board member David Hunter and Marcia Goodrich will teach a lesson in native plants, including a seed ball workshop, with Keweenaw CAPE on July 30. CAPE, the Community Alliance for Progressive Education, is leading a summer program for Kermit’s Kids at their headquarters, the old Hancock High School located at Quincy Green. Special thanks to David; as a longtime teacher, he assures me that this will be a piece of cake.

Save the date: Tour of Kismet Gardens, KBIC meadow walk Sunday, Aug. 4

Karena Schmidt of the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community will be leading a walk through the tribe’s restoration area at Sand Point starting at 10 a.m. Then we’ll head over the David Hunter’s Kismet Gardens for a potluck and walkabout, possibly a transplanting bee. More details will follow.

Wild Ones at Community Picnic

Wild Ones will be selling plants and making seed balls at the Copper Shores Community Health Foundation picnic, from noon until 3 p.m. in Ahmeek.