What’s Up with WOK, September 2024

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Pizza Party (and Annual Meeting)!

We had 28 of our 70 members attend our Sept. 17 event at The Orpheum in Hancock, plus one pizza party crasher who didn’t realize it was a members-only affair. We fed him anyway.

Election results
All of the director candidates were elected to three-year terms, including Kristine Bradof, Karen Cayce, Cassandra Reed-VanDam, Josh Roys, and Audra Thurston. To coin a phrase, thank you for your service, especially Josh and Cassandra, who just joined WOK this year.

Officers reelected
Similarly, the officer nominees were elected by acclamation to one-year terms, including President Marcia Goodrich (me), Vice President Karen Cayce, Secretary Polly Havins, Treasurer Josh Roys, and Membership Chair Audra Thurston.

We do have a couple of de facto vacancies: membership chair and social media chair. Audra is serving as membership chair in name only until we can find a replacement. However, she is helping with social media on an interim basis, again in hopes that a social media guru steps up to the plate. If you’d like to find out more about these positions, please let me know. Thanks, Audra, for your invaluable assistance during this transition.

WOK finances
Marcia gave the annual report, noting that our finances are in excellent shape. We’ve been in the black all of the six years since the Wild Ones Keweenaw Chapter was chartered, and as a result, we have a healthy nest egg. The year 2024 began with a balance of $8,915.53 in the bank, and as of the August 31 treasurer’s report, our balance was $10,104.73. Among this year’s expenses, we have funded speakers; purchased a tent, banner, and other promotional supplies; and provided a middle school science unit, Symbiotic Schoolyard, to Chassell teacher Beth Squires. Perhaps out biggest accomplishment: thanks to our sales, we have moved thousands of native plants into the community.

What do you think we should we spend our money on?
While it’s great to be so flush, our mission is to use those funds to promote and support landscaping with native plants. So if you have thoughts on how we should spend our resources, please contact Marcia.

Wonders of the Watershed Summit

WOK has been invited to participate in LSSI’s WOW Summit, set for Oct. 9 at Dee Stadium. Members Karen Cayce, Greta Peck, and I will be doing a 10-minute presentation on the value of native plants to a watershed. Our audience will be sixth graders, stopping at our table in groups of 10. Wish us luck!

Vinca Wars Presentation Oct. 15

Ridding one’s garden of pesky invasives like vinca, aka periwinkle, aka creeping myrtle, is a daunting task. Before our next meeting, Danna Olsen, Tom Oliver, and I will share our varied methods of tackling vinca in our own yards.

The presentation begins on Zoom at 6 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 15, before our regular meeting.