Family-Friendly Monarch Talk and Seed Ball Workshop Nov. 20

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What: Monarchs, Milkweeds, Native Plants: Oh My!

When: 6:30-7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2024

Where: Calumet Public Library Community Room, CLK Public Schools, 57070 Mine St., Calumet

Monarch butterfly and bee on milkweed

Join Wild Ones Keweenaw Chapter members Cassandra Reed-VanDam and Marcia Goodrich for a free presentation about the importance of monarch butterflies and a hands-on workshop on how you can help create butterfly habitat.

In this family-friendly workshop, kids and adults alike will make seed balls with common milkweed seeds, which they can easily plant outdoors. All materials will be provided.

“Bee and Butterfly” by Paula Altekruse, 2018 Photo Contest

About Cassandra

Cassandra’s love of plants stems from growing up in her family’s garden in the Keweenaw. She worked as a garden-based educator downstate for six years and received her Master Gardener certificate before returning home to the Keweenaw to get her Master in Applied Ecology. She lives in Calumet and is a board member of Wild Ones Keweenaw.

About Marcia

Marcia is president of the Wild Ones Keweenaw Chapter and has been gardening with native plants since the early 2000s. Her Houghton garden features four different species of milkweed.