Deer- and Rabbit-Resistant Plants

Michelle Wietek-Stephens, owner of U.P. Native Plants, developed the following list for those among us who struggle with deer and rabbits eating their native plants. In other words, for all of us.

Nothing is completely rabbit- or deer-proof, but the following plants are pretty close. Michelle also recommends making life uncomfortable for herbivores:

You might want to make sure you have a predator-friendly habitat, including perches such as trees with dead branches for raptors and cover and tolerance for carnivores. Nothing is rabbit-proof if the rabbits are over-populated and hungry enough. [Note: Some of us have talked about trying to find more places for owl nesting boxes.] 

List of unpalatable native plants: 

·       Rattlesnake Master: “Deer and rabbits, however, find its coarse foliage and flowers unpalatable.”

·      Mad Dog Skullcap: “This plant is bitter and resistant to deer and rabbits.”

·      Prairie Dock: “Deer and rabbit resistant.”

·      Path Rush: “It has tough foliage; however, which deer and rabbits seem to shun.”

·      Shrubby St. John’s Wort: “Deer and rabbit resistant.”

·      Prairie Sage: “Prairie Sage is deer and rabbit resistant and is a host for several species of butterfly, including American Lady and Painted Lady.”

·      Black-eyed Susans

·      Mountain Mint

·      Bergamot

·      Spotted Bee Balm

·      Yarrow

·      Wild Petunia

Native grasses such as Little BluestemBig BluestemPrairie Dropseed, and Bottlebrush Grass are usually left alone. With regard to sedges, deer and rabbits will top some of them but they usually survive the browse. All of those plants are either strongly scented or have textured leaves that are harder to eat.  

Note that some native plants are tasty as seedlings, but once they are established, they are less palatable.  Dogbane and Common Milkweed are good examples.  Also, consider relying on aggressive species that can be protected for the first year or two and then handle some browse.  New England AsterCutleaf ConeflowerYarrowLanceleaf CoreopsisSunflowersSpiderwort, and Rosinweed come to mind.  When planted in the right habitat, they can usually handle browse once established, even though some are tasty.