White-Tailed Deer and Native Plant Communities
Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Register here for this Zoom presentation. Many gardeners know the impact deer can have on their favorite plants, from hostas to tomatoes to trilliums. Chris Webster, professor of quantitative ecology and forest management at Michigan Technological University, will provide an overview of how white-tailed deer can also profoundly influence native plant communities. Direct effects include loss of leaves, buds, and flowers resulting in stunting, reduced plant reproduction, and eventually death. In addition, deer foraging can cause other dramatic changes, including shifts in competitive relationships, a rise in invasive species, and changes to the balance of nutrients in the soil. On the other hand, in plant communities that coevolved with deer, the absence of deer can actually lead to declines in native plant diversity. Webster is the 2020 recipient of the Provost’s Award for Sustained Teaching Excellence at Michigan Tech. His research interests include exotic species, landscape ecology, forest restoration, plant community response to herbivory, and wildlife habitat relationships. Please register in advance for this Zoom presentation. You will receive and email with the link and a reminder before Chris's talk.