

IUN Community Garden: Beneficial Bugs and Wonderful Weeds

This event has ended
Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021
to (Eastern Time)

IUN Community Garden: Beneficial Bugs and Wonderful Weeds
The event is held by the Indiana University Community Garden

Free and open to adults of all ages!

Join Master Gardener, Susan Radovich, for this live, online session and learn about the bugs and plants that are beneficial to our gardens and meadows. Participants will learn how the bugs benefit the plants and how the plants benefit the bugs.

To Register: Click the “Register” button below to complete the online registration form.

Registration Deadline: 12 pm, March 22

*Online Meeting: Provided via Zoom, participants will need access to a computer or mobile device (internet connection or data plan are needed) and will join the session through the Zoom application using a provided link/meeting ID. Select sessions offer the option to join by phone call.

explore: Community engagementCommunity Garden

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