Category: Uncategorized

Sand Point: Inviting Nature Back

Between 1902 and 1919, the operators of the Mass Mill dumped over two billion pounds of stamp sand—the toxic crushed rock left over from copper mining—into Lake Superior near the L’Anse Indian Reservation. Since 2000, the community and multiple government partners have been collaborating to bring nature back into what was a 71-acre deadscape. Their […] Continue reading "Sand Point: Inviting Nature Back"

Copper Shores Community Health Foundation Community Picnic

Keweenaw Wild Ones sold a few plants and talked with many people during our first appearance at the Copper Shores Community Health Foundation Community Picnic. We were among dozens of nonprofits from throughout the Keweenaw hoping to raise public awareness of our activities. Held on a scorching July 28, 2024, the picnic nevertheless attracted hundreds […] Continue reading "Copper Shores Community Health Foundation Community Picnic"

Shoreline Walk, Kismet Gardens Visit Sunday, Aug. 4

Keweenaw Wild Ones and friends are invited to a walk into a restored shoreline at 10 a.m., Sunday, Aug. , near the Ojibway Campground in Baraga. The restoration was conducted by the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, which covered 2-1/2 miles of barren stamp sands with luxurious native vegetation. Our visit will be led by KBIC […] Continue reading "Shoreline Walk, Kismet Gardens Visit Sunday, Aug. 4"

A walk on the rocky side

Botanist Alex Graeff led Keweenaw Wild Ones and friends on a fascinating botanical journey July 20 in Hunter’s Point Park, near Copper Harbor. We began with a trip back a billion years or so, when North America was taking a stab at ripping in two. Instead of lava flows, the Mid-Continent Rift is now characterized […] Continue reading "A walk on the rocky side"

What’s Up with WOK, July 2024

Shoreline protection proposal for Kestner Park WOK member Craig Waddell has provided funding for a shoreline remediation plan addressing the section of Huron Creek near Wild Ones’ garden. Stephanie Graef of Eagle Shoreline Protection will draw up the plan. Craig, a member of the Houghton City Council, said he planned to work with the city […] Continue reading "What’s Up with WOK, July 2024"

Shoreline Plant Walk with Botanist Alex Graeff July 20

Naturalist Alex Graeff will lead Keweenaw Wild Ones members on a botanizing walk near Copper Harbor, at 1 p.m. ET, Saturday, July 20. We will meet at Hunter’s Point Park (directions below). Our destination will be the bedrock plant community along the shoreline. The round trip will take an estimated two hours; if that’s too […] Continue reading "Shoreline Plant Walk with Botanist Alex Graeff July 20"