Pearly Everlasting

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Scientific Name: Anaphalis margaritacea
Light: Full Sun, Partial Shade
Soil: Sandy, Well-drained
Moisture: Medium
Benefits: Pollinators, Butterflies
Height: 1′-3′
Blooms: Jul, Aug
Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Color: White with yellow centers
Spacing: 1′-2′
Root: Rhizome

Pearly Everlasting is a late summer bloomer of tiny, white flowers with yellow centers which are valued for dried flower arrangements. The plant is a host plant of American lady and painted lady butterflies, serving as a food source for the caterpillars in late spring; the caterpillars form a silken web around the plant to feed. Though caterpillars can hurt young seedlings, don’t worry if you find them on bigger plants; they will be fine. Pearly Everlasting’s compact, tidy habit mixes well in front of taller, brightly colored wildflowers in a perennial border, native plantings and wildflower gardens.

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Small pot, Two Pots